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Looking for a reliable partner to serve your clients' property management needs?

Simply complete the contact form and we'll contact you to answer all of your questions.

Most real estate firms concentrate on brokerage, and if they do property management, it's usually a secondary concentration. At Allegiant Property Management, our main focus is property management. Many of our clients are referred by local Realtors® wanting their investment clients to be well represented after the sale. At the close, Realtors® want to recommend a property manager that will reflect well upon them and deliver quality service at a reasonable price.

Being able to "hand off" property management to a competent group makes all the difference in the world since the likelihood of future purchases depends a positive ownership experience, and thus on professional property management. Put another way, the better the property manager, the greater the odds are that more real estate property will be purchased. 

Our on-going promise to all Realtors® is that we will honor their referrals for property management by redirecting owner clients back to them when the client decides to sell or make additional purchases. Honoring the Realtor®/client relationship is central to our success and reputation in the community.  Let us serve your referrals with competentancy and professionalism. Allegiant Property Management is your safe and prudent property manager referral choice.

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 fair housing image for the purpose of making sure we've treated all applicants fairly in accordance with state, local, city jurisdictions
realtor image providing the latest technology and competitive rates for interested rental owners
property management map image


9701 Apollo Drive #101

Upper Marlboro, MD  20774

prince georges county property management phone image providing the latest technology for interested rental owners and competitive rates.


p  240.450.2995
f   240.450.2891


prince georges county property management envelope image

© Allegiant Property Management, LLC.  All rights reserved. 

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